It's Halloween. Have you ever taken a dare on Halloween? ![]() This house was around the corner from my childhood home (1958-1963). As a child, I was afraid of a tiny old woman and her St. Bernand who lived in a house down the street from my house. I was convinced this woman was a witch and that she would cast spells on the neighborhood houses. (The lights in those houses would be out at night if she hast put her spell on them). Carrie Clickard was a guest author at Today's Little Ditty, in 2017. She challenged us to write a poem about a person, place, or thing which scared or spooked you as a child. Michelle Barnes, selected the poem below to be part of her collection, The Best of Today's Little Ditty: 2017-2018, published in 2019. I moved from Monrovia in 1963. It was that year that this magnificent house was torn down, making way for a housing development,
This past Tuesday, October 25, 2022, The Poeming Pigeon, 12th edition published. It has my poem, "A Story While Chopping Onions" in it. The journal is sumptuous! I am thrilled and honored to be among such wonderful writers and editor, Shawn Aveningo Sanders is an encouraging editor.
The weekend of November 12th and 13th will host two readings. The first one is via Zoom. While I am not listed to read, I am inviting you all to join us.
On Sunday, we will gather at Rose City Book Pub for an in-person reading. I am excited to be a part of this reading. I have a copy of this amazing journal to giveaway. Please comment and I will select a winner next Friday. Now let's share poetry!I love autumn. And Joy Harjo's poem is spot on.
Fall Song by Joy Harjo It is a dark fall day. The earth is slightly damp with rain. I hear a jay. The cry is blue. I have found you in the story again. Is there another word for “divine”? I need a song that will keep the sky open in my mind. If I think behind me, I might break. If I think forward, I lose now. Forever will be a day like this Strung perfectly on the necklace of days. Slightly overcast Yellow leaves Your jacket hanging in the hallway Next to mine. From Conflict Resolution for Holy Beings (Norton, 2015). ![]() Bridget at wee words for wee ones is celebrating the first anniversary of her poetry collection, 10.10 Poetry Anthology: Celebrating 10 in 10 Different Ways. As part of the recent Georgia Heard's and Rebecca Kai Dotlich's class, we were encouraged to write a "found" poem, using Georgia's book, The Arrow Finds Its Mark: A Book of Found Poems, as a mentor text. What I love about this book, is the poetry isn't just from other poems. I went in search of texts to find a found poem. I had a lot of choices and my head was swirling with possibilities. I settled on Breath Prayer: an ancient practice for the Everyday Sacred by Christine Valters Paintner. Painter is someone I have been reading since returning from my trip to Ireland and I have there's a lot to explore at Abbey of the Arts. The passage I selected was from her chapter, "Morning Coffee or Tea." Starting the morning with tea (usually green) is very much my daily routine. I am doing a deep dive into found poetry. How do you make it your own with borrowed lines? Can you mix found lines with borrowed lines? so many questions. NEXT WEEK: I AM HOSTING POETRY FRIDAY.
AuthorAll photos and poems in these blog posts are copyrighted to Jone Rush MacCulloch 2006- Present. Please do not copy, reprint or reproduce without written permission from me. Categories
January 2025