![]() Matt at Radio, Rhythm & Rhyme is hosting Poetry Friday this week. Last week, I was in Mrs. Fisher's fourth grade class. We did the "I Come From" poems like last week and I'll share in the next few weeks. We also had time to "Poetry Play: Playing with Pantoums". I had five table teams make word tickets for four fall categories: Activities, Feelings, Colors, and Foods. ![]() Then each table team wrote two sentences, one from a category that I randomly chose for them. ![]() Then as a class, we gathered around and decided the order. I made a suggestion to add "In Fall" on some of the sentences. We then took a look at the order and we decided that switched the first two lines would help the flow, we also took out some extra words. Here is the finished poem: In Fall: A Pantoum By Mrs.Fisher’s Fourth Graders In fall, I sit in the leaves and drink warm apple juice Go into a corn maze, then jump into leaves on a farm I love seeing the r- orange and yellow leaves In fall, I feel gloomy about the cold weather that‘s coming Go into a corn maze, then jump into leaves on a farm I turn on the fire and I feel cozy and warm In fall, I feel gloomy about the cold weather that‘s coming So I get all cozy and warm I turn on the fire and I feel cozy and warm In fall, I love making turkey crafts So I get all cozy and warm I fell into a room of chicken pie, some apple juice in the corner of my eye In fall, I love making turkey crafts Me and my family love making sticky chicken for Thanksgiving dinner I fell into a room of chicken pie, some apple juice in the corner of my eye Some people eat pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving and some people don’t Me and my family love making sticky chicken for Thanksgiving dinner I love seeing the r-orange and yellow leaves Some people eat pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving and some people don’t In fall, I sit in the leaves and drink warm apple juice Are You Ready for Spooky Season?Stay tuned! Did you have fun with Spring's Classic Found Poem Palooza? You are invited to another found poem spectacular palooza, spooky version. Do you have a favorite horror or scary book, poem or story? Maybe a Poe, a HP Lovecraft, Dracula or Frankenstein? It doesn't need to be long. From The Fall of the House of Usher by Edgar Allen Poe: uplifted my eyes to decayed trees shaking from my spirit On October 27, 2023, I will feature a Padlet with a Spooky Season Found Poem. Stay Tuned. ![]() Welcome to Poetry Friday. It is being hosted by Carol at Carol's Corner. She's introducing us to poet, Jeannette Encinias. I was clearing out an old computer and discovered the following poem. I am not exactly sure of the date it was written but I suspect in 2008 or 2009. I don't really remember writing it. I decided to revise it for sharing today. UPDATE: Apparently the original poem was in this post in 2010. Just Two Kids just two kids, sister and brother who played hide n’ seek as we rambled down the street me afraid of quicksand, you collected blue bellied lizards. played hide n’ seek until dusk’s blanket hid us all me afraid of quicksand, you collected blue bellied lizards I escaped inside a book while you looked through a telescope until dusk’s blanket hid us all nightly routines: dishes, homework, practice the violin I escaped inside a book while you looked through a telescope parents sat at the kitchen table, drinks in hand nightly routines: dishes, homework, practice the violin television droned on and on, with the body counts parents sat at the kitchen table, drinks in hand I plotted my escape to college television droned on and on, with the body counts as we rambled down the street I plotted my escape to college just two kids, sister and brother ©jone rush macculloch, draft 2008, 2009? Just Two Kids just two kids, sister and brother who played hide n’ seek and rambled down the street orange blossoms permeated the air one afraid of quicksand, the other collected blue bellied lizards. who played hide n’ seek and rambled down the street until dusk’s blanket hid us all one afraid of quicksand, the other collected blue bellied lizards. one escaped inside a book while the other looked through a telescope until dusk’s blanket hid us all nightly routines: dishes, homework, practice the violin one escaped inside a book while the other looked through a telescope parents sat at the kitchen table table , drinks in hand nightly routines: dishes, homework, practice the violin television droned on and on, with the body counts parents sat at the kitchen table, drinks in hand one plotted an escape to college, the other joined the service television droned on and on, with the body counts orange blossoms permeated the air one plotted an escape to college, the other joined the service just two kids, sister and brother ©jone rush macculloch, revised-probably still a draft, 2021 |
AuthorAll photos and poems in these blog posts are copyrighted to Jone Rush MacCulloch 2006- Present. Please do not copy, reprint or reproduce without written permission from me. Categories
January 2025