![]() The last Friday of 2022! Fifty-two weeks have flown by. This week Patricia at Reverie has hosting duties. she reflects on the year and has a beautiful blessing poem. It's been a wild week for me in Oregon. Last Friday, we were covered in ice and about 1PM the pipe in the garage burst; it looked like a car wash! We were left with no water and no heat(water in the furnace shut it down but thankfully after it dried, all good). After one night of roughing it with space heaters (because of the ice wasn't safe to travel)we broke a mini-vacay at a local hotel, close to the house. By Monday our HOA had a crew out and repaired the pipes and we returned. Plus the universe wants me to take a break and not speak, so I've been gifted with laryngitis. Today, I am sharing some of the #smallpoemsdecember. I admit, I am behind on writing. ![]() ICYMI Are you thinking of a One Little Word for 2023? I have been. Last Saturday, I met Pamela Sue Johnson, a local mixed media artist at The Procrastinator's Market (on of my favorite event in December) It turns out she's offering an online class to create an art piece with your2023 word. I've signed up. I also bought a journal with this art as it has my word, flourish, from 2021. Wonder was my 2022 word and it has served me well. Here's to 2023 and all the adventures and wonder to be found. Happy New Year!
12/30/2022 09:55:37 am
Oh, I'm sorry you were gifted with so many challenges at the end of this year, Jone, though I appreciate your wry humor, as always! And I don't think you're behind on writing. December has simply had other priorities! Your fog photo/poem is especially beautiful! Happy New Year! 12/30/2022 09:56:57 am
Jone, I love your frozen prayers. I have been marveling over "wonder" - I find it descriptive of my 2022, looking back. Wondrous about all the poetry that poured out of me; wondrous about the connections and new friendships that have come through poetry. Wondrous about where this path leads. Thank you for your friendship and encouragement! Happy New Year!
12/30/2022 11:49:08 am
Oh, no! What a wild ending of December - but I appreciate that you got out poems anyway. I especially love the "frozen prayers" flickering in the wind. In Scotland in various places where we visited years ago school children made felt fish to hang on lines on the railings of bridges and they remind me of the same - rained on, frozen, and still bravely waving good wishes for year's end. Lovely. 12/31/2022 08:34:25 am
Wow! Frozen prayers is such a lovely phrase. So sorry about the burst pipes. I was so worried that would happen here when it got below zero at Christmas. Thankfully, we didn't come home to a mess. 12/31/2022 01:02:45 pm
Jone, what drama! I'm so glad most of your challenges were soon repaired--how's your voice now? It looks to me too that given the circumstances you've done a lot. I especially like your "frozen prayers" piece. I just love being able to picture you and Chuck at home and among your branches. Thanks again for hosting us in August! 1/1/2023 06:32:38 am
Oh, these are lovely, Jone! I'm sorry about all the problems. I hope you have a trouble-free New Year! 1/1/2023 01:51:50 pm
I am behind, but not because of frozen pipes. I saw your plight on FB, yikes, what a December that storm brought to you & others! Having too many things happen in other ways kept me too busy, as you see from my lateness in commenting. I love the poems & the Wordless Wednesdays you post, Jone. Best wishes for a "flourish - ing" 2023 with lots of time for writing!
Linda Mitchell
1/2/2023 01:37:24 am
Oh, my goodness! What a crazy bunch of things to deal with all of a sudden. I hope you are on the down side of having to clean up after burst pipes. I do love a good, short poem. Loved your New Year's photos and plans for 2023. I'm just back from a trip to London and getting organized. Wishing you lots of good words! 1/2/2023 10:28:18 pm
What a week you had Jone, so sorry about your pipes and all. Love all your haikus here, especially your first "frozen prayers," and your pic too, so colorful. Hope the New Year brings your voice back and slips in more gently, thanks! Comments are closed.
AuthorAll photos and poems in these blog posts are copyrighted to Jone Rush MacCulloch 2006- Present. Please do not copy, reprint or reproduce without written permission from me. Categories
January 2025